clickbait journalism

3 Minutes

If you’re going to fail, do it spectacularly! The Guardian tried to do a top 20 of Detroit techno – and they’ve annoyed Juan Atkins, ignored Derrick May, and put a house track at number one…

The mainstream press are a weird lot when it comes to dance music. They’d have you believe that Beyoncé Knowles saved house music from an impending death last year – all by sticking a...
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Solomun’s got a new album to promote – but take a guess which of his recent activities the dance music press WON’T be telling their readers about?

You can usually tell when the dance music press are looking for that exclusive interview with someone about their latest project. They start being extremely supine, writing only the nicest things and leaving out...
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Does anyone at Mixmag EVER read over what they publish? Headline about nine ravers looking forward to going out again leaves followers scratching their heads

Oh, how I do enjoy mocking Mixmag, the dance music magazine that covers a 24/7 culture – but only during office hours. Yet I also admit to being baffled how their operation continues to...
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