Blake Baxter aims his fire at THAT Detroit film – again…

You know that lucky break that the film makers of God Said Give ‘Em Drum Machines were hoping to catch soon? Ears To The House regrets to announce it has been further delayed by yet another onslaught from Blake Baxter – a man who was actually there when Detroit techno was becoming a thing.

Recently, he disclosed he didn’t approve of the film – and this was despite the fact he appeared in it. He then claimed that his own music was in the film – and they hadn’t bothered to even pay for it. But it turns out Baxter isn’t yet finished talking about the film. Yesterday, he published this…

Yes, you really are reading what you think you’re reading. Baxter really is claiming a “mocked voice and mock music” played when he was talking on the film about his song “Sexuality”. Baxter really does diminish the Belleville Three story as a “fairytale”. And Baxter really does pour scorn on the idea plugged by the film that Derrick May was “his mentor”.

It really is quite something when someone who willingly appeared in the film subsequently castigates the result of said film. We’ll be honest – we did have a discussion at Ears To The House HQ asking whether Baxter was just bitter. We concluded the fact the film makers nor anyone else involved ever responds to his claims disproves this theory.

Incidentally, if someone in Detroit wishes to ask Derrick May what work he actually did on his old tracks – because Baxter basically said it was the square root of nothing…

Don’t hold your breath awaiting a response from Mr May…

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