It’s been a while since we had a post about Sterling Void, hasn’t it? They practically write themselves! So let’s see what he’s been up to. As I’ve commented before, Sterling Covid, whose depressing...
Sterling Void – equal opportunities scammer!
Say what you like about Sterling Void – and this website most certainly does – but the one thing you cannot deny is that he’s an equal opportunities scammer. Whether you’ve been in the...
Has Sterling Void sued me yet? P.S. The answer is no
Naysayers out tell me to stop writing about Sterling Void. It’s “boring”, they say. He’s “yesterday’s news”, said another one. And yet every time I write about him, my readership soars. Care to explain...
Sterling Void don’t wanna go putting this out!
It’s been a few weeks now since I mentioned anything about Sterling Covid, whose depressing second wave is now underway after his first 32 year wave was brought crashing down. And I do know...
When is your interview, Duane?
A few weeks ago, I mentioned that Sterling Covid, whose first wave lasted 32 depressing years, was doing an interview very soon. Presumably, the interview was for the benefit of those who he didn’t...
Some of the things Sterling Void WON’T be telling you about
Last Monday, I told you about how Sterling Void, whose first wave lasted for 32 depressing years, and how he’s decided he’s the next Ernest Hemingway. “The Void Inside Of Me” is coming out...
Sterling Void: “my book will be release”.
I would never claim that the quality of writing on this website is up there with literary geniuses like William Shakespeare or Leo Tolstoy. Others may do that if it’s their choice. It certainly...
Sterling Void and an almighty God complex
A curious post from Sterling Void’s social media arrived in my inbox yesterday. Take a look. Does God normally give his blessing to a lifelong crook and cheat to whom deception and lies are...
Sterling Void – bringing on hypoxia since he joined the internet
Good grief, Duane. It’s not the scale of delusion in the above Facebook page that bothers me. This is something that I’ve come to expect and as such, doesn’t surprise me in the least....
Sterling Covid, Nervous Records and a slap in the face
The second – and in some cases, third – wave of the coronavirus is now well underway in many countries now. The whole of the UK is under various states of lockdown, and so...
Sterling Void – Bringing nothing since 1987
Let’s have some fun at the expense of Mr Sterling Void. I like doing it, you all like reading it and he enjoys it too. I noticed his name on the followers list for...
Here’s one version of Sterling Void’s history he won’t be telling you about…
Like a moth to a flame – well, more like a fly to shit in this case – I’m back on the subject of Sterling Void. And because I know the man himself reads...
Sterling Void: like a toddler parading his first shit in the toilet
It’s been a few weeks since I wrote about Sterling Covid. He’s becoming part of this page’s bread and butter – the equivalent of a horseshit sandwich, in this case – alongside Daniel “Mr...
Sterling Void is engaged. Again.
I do love a bit of good news. Amidst the second wave of coronavirus that’s upon us, goodness knows we need it at the moment. It’s especially cheerful news when it comes from those...
Sterling Void and his 300 imaginary friends
Duane Pelt, otherwise known as Mr Sterling Covid, might think that not being my friend means I don’t see his posts. The mole on his page who keeps sending screenshots of them to me...
Stop calling Sterling Covid Sterling Covid!
Like most people with some kind of online presence, I get my fair share of correspondence from charlatans, degenerates and dingbats. Most ultimately vanish with a sense of disappointment at a lack of response...